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Field Description Type
timeframe Reference date range. Timeframe
value Rates saturation map quads data for the corresponding timeframe. array[MapsRatesSaturationElement]
Field Description Type
*from Start date of timeframe. date
*to End date of timeframe. date
Field Description Type
*saturation Rates saturation data of corresponding quadkey. LocationRatesSaturation
*quadkey Identifier of the map quad. Quadkey
Field Description Type Examples
*total_offers Total number of accommodation offers. int 1106
*available_offers Number of available accommodation offers. int 729
*saturation Occupancy ratio in the range [0,100] calculated by the following formula.
decimal 34.09
Field Description Type Examples
*tile Map quad identifier in Bing Maps Tile System standard format. string 1202231311
*wkt Map quad expressed in WKT standard format. string POLYGON ((10.8984375 43.83452678223682, 11.25 43.83452678223682, 11.25 44.087585028245165, 10.8984375 44.087585028245165, 10.8984375 43.83452678223682))