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Field Description Type
timeframe Reference date range. Timeframe
value Rates overall grouped data for the corresponding timeframe. array[LocationRatesGroupedOverallElement]
Field Description Type
*from Start date of timeframe. date
*to End date of timeframe. date
Field Description Type
*group Field value within the requested grouping by field. string
average Average accommodation offers price in Euros. decimal
*percentiles Accommodation offers percentiles values expressed in Euros. array[Percentile]
*poi Count of POIs with accommodation offers within the group. PartitionCount
Field Description Type Examples
*request Requested percentile expressed in the range (0, 1), e.g. 0.5 (the median). decimal 0.5
*response Resulting value of the request percentile. decimal 73.00
Field Description Type
partition Count incidence percentage of the group's elements over total elements. int
count Total elements of the group. int