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Field Description Type Examples
*poi_id Unique identifier of the POI. string 107
*name Description of the POI. string Piazza del Duomo
translated_name Description of the POI in English. string Duomo Square
*location Location of the POI in spatial coordinates. Coordinates
*poi_category Identifies the sub-typology of the POI. string Dictionary
*poi_industry Identifies the super-typology of the POI. string Dictionary
*country Country to which the POI belongs. string Italy
*state State to which the POI belongs. string Toscana
*county County to which the POI belongs. string Firenze
*city City to which the POI belongs. string Firenze
*address Textual address of the POI. string Piazza del Duomo
pictures URLs of images related to the POI. array[string] ["", ""]
stars Hotel stars rating in the range [1,5], only for POI with "poi_category": "hotel". int 4
rooms Total number of rooms, , only for POI with "poi_category": "hotel". int 13
price_class Expensiveness indicator in the range [1,4]. int 4
phone Phone number. string +39 091 6281111
website URL of the website. string
brand_name Name of the brand to which the POI belongs. string McDonald's
*date_first_presence Date in which the POI has been detected for the first time. date 2019-03-12
date_closed Date in which the POI has been closed. date 2024-03-12
Field Description Type Examples
*latitude Latitude expressed in the range [-90, 90]. decimal 43.7730912
*longitude Longitude expressed in the range [-180, 180]. decimal 11.2554649