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A Viewport is a quadrangle viewing region on a map.
It is identified by 4 points which correspond to the 4 angles of the quadrangle, each one expressed in latitude and longitude, for a total of 8 Query Parameters.

Name               Description Type Examples
*sw_lat South-West point latitude value in the range [-90, 90]. decimal 43.06888777416961
*sw_lng South-West point longitude value in the range [-180, 180]. decimal 8.4375
*se_lat South-East point latitude value in the range [-90, 90]. decimal 43.06888777416961
*se_lng South-West point longitude value in the range [-180, 180]. decimal 11.25
*ne_lat North-East point latitude value in the range [-90, 90]. decimal 45.08903556483103
*ne_lng South-West point longitude value in the range [-180, 180]. decimal 11.25
*nw_lat North-West point latitude value in the range [-90, 90]. decimal 45.08903556483103
*nw_lng South-West point longitude value in the range [-180, 180]. decimal 8.4375


curl '{account_id}/locations/maps/poi/list?country=italy&from=2021-01-01&to=2021-07-01&sw_lat=43.06888777416961&sw_lng=8.4375&se_lat=43.06888777416961&se_lng=11.25&ne_lat=45.08903556483103&ne_lng=11.25&nw_lat=45.08903556483103&nw_lng=8.4375' \
-H 'x-api-key: {x_api_key}' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {jwt_bearer}' \